My sister sent me a picture of one of these wall hangings she found on Etsy a while back and I was immediately swooning. I love modern home decor--especially of the hand-made variety.
So when my 5 year old and I had a movie night together and she chose Disney's original animated Peter Pan (which I love, but could enjoy without my eyes glued to the screen!), I sat next to her on the couch and cut yarn for my wall hanging!
What is fun about these is that no two will ever be the same--especially if you use a branch as your anchor! Many I have seen on the interwebs use a wooden dowel at the top. I don't have rustic style, but I do like adding natural elements where I can. I definitely prefer the look the branch gives my hanging to a plain dowel.
I will walk you through my process of making one of these hip yarn creations. Other methods exist, but this way worked well for me, and I think you will find it easy as well!
You will need:
- A sturdy stick or small branch
- Yarn
- Scissors
- Optional: Iron and spray starch
1. Cut yarn in several lengths that are double the length you want your hanging's height to be. I won't give you a number here since it varies so much according to the size of your stick.
*Tip: I pulled out 20-30 lengths of yarn at a time in long, even loops, then just cut the ends off one side to get several equal strings cut at once.
2. Make a plan for how the colors will be arranged on your stick. I decided to do a bit of an ombre fade.
3. Tie the yarn on the stick as shown in the pictures. Push the tied-ends right up next to each other to really fill in the wood.
4. This is optional, but is nice if you want your yarn really straight. With the proper heat setting for the type of yarn you are using, iron the yarn to get out any little unwanted wrinkles. Spray starch is also helpful for making the yarn nice and stiff before you cut it.
5. Use sharp scissors to trim the bottom of the yarn to your desired shape. I found it helped to hang it the way it will go on the wall to make sure all the threads are in place.
6. Tie another piece of yarn to each end of your stick to use as a hanger, and you are done!
These are great additions to gallery walls. They add nice natural texture to any room and can be made in whatever color and size you want!