It has been Babyville around here lately. And I LOVE it! After the string of baby boys born (for whom I made bow-tie onesies), the baby girls are catching up!
I have 3 versions of The Dressed Up Onesie to share. I took pictures to make tutorials for 2 of them. The other, hopefully you can figure out using the info from the first two. :)
Dressed-up Onesie #1- Ruffled edges
For the first onesie, you will need gathered ribbon-lace (1-2 yards, depending on the size of the onesie and the number of layers you want to put on the ruffle bum).
Begin by folding one end of the ribbon under and pinning along the edge of the leg holes. Don't pin over the snaps!
Continue pinning all the way around both leg openings.
Lots of pins produce neat, straight lines when you sew. Sew this in place.
Now pin (tucking under the raw ends) along the neck-line. On most onesies, the neck has a flap that comes around the front. Pull that flap back and start the ruffle under it, as shown. Some babies fat little necks actually stretch that out (I would know), and this ensures the ruffles cover enough of the neckline, even on the chubby babies. :)
Stitch this in place.
So simple and so cute!
I didn't take pictures of pinning each layer of ruffle for the ruffle-bum. But you get the general idea, right? So stinkin' cute.
Dressed Up Onesie #2: The Ruffled Skirt
For this one, you will need a 35"W x 10"H piece of ruffle fabric, 1/2 yard of coordinating ribbon, and a flower embellishment (if you choose).
First pin the ribbon to the neck of the onesie (under the shoulder flaps, as show in Onesie #1). Fold backwards about 1/2 inch, then pin in place. Repeat around the entire neckline. Stitch in place.
The finished neckline.
Pin right sides together on the ruffle fabric. Be sure all the ruffles are turned the right way, and pin them in place this way. This step is VERY important in order to have a nicely finished seam.
See how the ruffles all line up and are laying correctly? WIN!
I didn't photograph the next step: Sew a gathering stitch around the top of the fabric. Sew above the ruffle you want be the top ruffle of the skirt once it is attached. Pull the bobbin thread to gather to about 1 inch larger than the onesie waist .
Pin the skirt on upside down, wrong side out, to the waist line. Stitch in place, pulling out the pins as you go and stretching the onesie waist just a little to fit the skirt. Again, I am accounting for some chubby babies. :)
Turn down the skirt, stitch on an embellishment, and VOILA! Sweet cuteness!
Dressed Up Onesie #3: Pom-poms for Days
So, this is the one I didn't take pictures of as I made it. However, making it is very similar to the Ruffled Skirt's process, only easier because you aren't working with ruffles. :)
If you have any specific questions about how to put this type together, feel free to ask in the comment section.